Ref: PR/AF/036/24 Date: November 11, 2024
A delegation led by the Africa Federation Chairman Alhaj Amine bhai Nassor accompanied by the Vice Chairman Alhaj Aunali bhai Khalfan and Bilal Muslim Mission of Tanzania Chairman Alhaj Hussein bhai Karim travelled to Morogoro on 24th August 2024 (19th Safar 1446). This was the first visit by the current Chairman of the Africa Federation to visit Morogoro Jamaat to coincide with the Shab-e-Arbaeen commemoration.
The purpose of the visit was in three folds, firstly to join in the Azadari of Seyyedush Shohadah Aba Abdillahil Hussain (‘A), secondly to meet the Jamaat officials and community members, and thirdly to visit the Jamaat sites and Bilal Muslim Mission of Tanzania centres.
The population of our community has dwindled and currently there are only 67 heads in the Jamaat. Despite of being few members, the Jamaat is functioning reasonably well. There is a Resident Aalim, Maulana Jauhar Abbas Rizvi who is leading daily prayers, recites majlises and performs other religious functions of the Jamaat.
The Morogoro Jamaat Kabrastan has a big 4-acre ground and is well protected with a concrete fence wall. The large open plot could be utilized for Bilal religious activities, such as establishing a Madressah for local Muslim children. There is a need to protect this huge plot by making use of the plot.
The delegation also visited the Bilal Muslim Mission centres in Morogoro and witnessed the various activities taking place in the centres. The BMMT Chairman addressed the gathering, this was followed by Majlis and Nyaz cooked by the ladies of Bilal families. Bilal Tanzania has been advised to look into better facilities for the Momineen in Morogoro central.
The AFED delegation attended the majlis of Shab-e-Arbaeen where the entire community came together to participate in the Azadari of Seyyedush Shohada Aba Abdillahil Hussein (A) and the martyrs of the household of the holy Prophet (SAWW). Majlis was recited by a visiting Maulana Sheikh Muhammad Shariff. This gathering provided an opportunity for the AFED delegation to connect and meet with community members.
In his address to the Morogoro Jamaat, Alhaj Amine Nassor emphasized the importance of strengthening bonds within the community and urged everyone to actively engage in initiatives that foster growth, solidarity, and progress. He highlighted that unity is essential for overcoming certain challenges and achieving the community's mission.
AFED delegation had a fruitful meeting with the Jamaat Managing Committee, headed by the Chairman Alhaj Abdulrazak Fidahussein Kermally, Hon. Treasurer, Alhaj Abbas Sheriff, Managing Committee Members, Alhaj Abbas Rashid and Alhaj Ahmed Gulamali, along with the Trustee of the Jamaat, Alhaj Shafiq Rajvani.
At the meeting with the Chairman and Managing Committee of Morogoro Jamaat, the AFED delegation discussed several key subjects essential to the Jamaat's operational and governance framework. Amine bhai also emphasized the importance of attending Supreme Council (SC) Sessions, where vital issues are discussed and resolutions are passed involving the Jamaats and its members. Morogoro Jamaat officials were encouraged to participate actively in these sessions and be part of the decision making team.
Another important item was on effective utilization of AFED boards. The boards offer guidance, resources, and support across various services and activities. By making full use of AFED’s resources, Morogoro Jamaat can increase its operational efficiency and access a wide range of expertise in areas such as education, health, Tabligh and social services.
On the admin part, the AFED delegation were concerned with record keeping, like Title Deeds, Jamaat and Trustees Registration. AFED re-emphasized the importance of ensuring that all Jamaat documents are current and compliant with the regulations set by RITA and the Ministry of Home Affairs. The Jamaat must be compliant with the country’s rules and regulations to avoid heavy penalties and the risk of it being stricken off as a Registered Institution.
There is a need to review and update Morogoro Jamaat's constitution, this was also discussed. AFED recommends that the constitution be evaluated periodically to reflect the community's evolving needs, ensuring that it remains relevant and effective. Amine Bhai stressed that by doing so, the Jamaat would align its guiding framework with contemporary governance standards, fostering progress and accountability.
The delegation also requested the Morogoro Jamaat to hold its Annual General Meetings (AGMs) on due dates consistently, as these gatherings provide a forum for community members to engage with Jamaat leadership, maintaining close collaboration, review annual achievements, and discuss future goals.
In regards to the renovations of the Mosque, Imambargha, Madressah and mosque compound, the Jamaat was informed that the Housing Board Chairman Alhaj Akil Hirji and his team who have visited the Jamaat earlier were looking into this matter and will soon begin the renovation works.
On the economy growth in Morogoro, which is gradually improving, it’s driven by advancements in logistics and the emergence of new businesses and industrial opportunities. Similarly, Community members are encouraged to explore the emerging business opportunities, as other communities are already benefiting from them.
The AFED Economic Development Board (EDB) had issued a Newswire inviting community members to look up to Morogoro for settlement and future investment, click here to read the EDB newswire.
Below are some photographs of the visit to Morogoro Bilal Centres and the KSI Jamaat facilities:
Earlier during the same month, The AFED Housing Board Chairman, Alhaj Akil Hirji and AFED Projects Coordinator, Br. Mohamed Moledina also made a visit to Morogoro Jamaat to assess the need for the renovations & refurbishments of the Mosque, Imambargha, Madressah and the mosque compound area including other amenities.
Discussion were also held to extend the Musafarkhana by one floor and reconstruction of the commercial shops which will also have offices on the upper floor for income generating.
On behalf of the Africa Federation Chairman, the Vice Chairman, Bilal Muslim Mission of Tanzania Chairman, AFED Housing Board Chairman and the AFED Secretariat, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to the KSI Morogoro Jamaat for their warm hospitality and for organizing the site visits.
May Allah (SWT) grant the leaders and volunteers of our Jamaats with long, healthy and successful life, Aameen.
Let us please recite Sura-e-Fateha for the past leaders, pioneers and volunteers of Morogoro Jamaat, the Marhumeen of Morogoro Jamaat, and all the Marhumeen, Al Fateha.