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Press Release - AFED Chairman Welcomes the Dar es Salaam Jamaat President and the New Team to a Get-Together Evening at AFED Tower

Our Ref:  AF/PR/033/2024                                             Date:  26th October 2024

On Monday, October 21, 2024, AFED Chairman Alhaj Amine bhai Nassor hosted a get-together with dinner at AFED Tower in honour of Dar es Salaam Jamaat President Alhaj Mohamedraza bhai Dewji and his newly elected team of Managing Committee members and Trustees for the new term of office. 

This event was an opportunity for Africa Federation Office Bearers and Trustees to formally express their heartfelt congratulations to Alhaj Mohamedraza bhai Dewji on his re-election unopposed as President for the term 2024–2026 and to recognize his longstanding selfless services to the community. The evening fostered a warm atmosphere of camaraderie, as members exchanged ideas and strengthened further the bonds of collaboration and unity. 

In his welcoming remarks, Chairman Alhaj Amine Nassor highlighted the enduring partnership between Africa Federation and Dar es Salaam Jamaat, acknowledging the Jamaat’s substantial contributions to social welfare, education, and religious advancement in the community. He commended Mohamedraza bhai’s tireless efforts in driving impactful initiatives and extended warm wishes for the continued success of his mission. Amine Bhai also wished the newly elected Committee Members and Trustees success in their endeavors. 

Amine bhai expressed optimism about the future, highlighting how Africa Federation and Dar es Salaam Jamaat can together build upon the achievements of the many years of hard work which we have inherited from our elders. He also encouraged to embrace innovation and exploring newer opportunities, in the light of the current challenges, and the global changing environment.  

Alhaj Mohamedraza Dewji expressed gratitude for the recognition and warm welcome, affirming his team’s dedication to serving the community with renewed vigour and purpose. He spoke on the importance of Africa Federation’s role and highlighted areas where the Jamaat aims to build on underscoring the importance of collaborative efforts. 

The evening concluded on a positive note, with mutual aspirations to strengthen the bonds in the service of the Khoja Shia Ithna-Asheri community and setting the tone for the future. 

Below are some photographs of the get-together event:


Following members were unable to attend the function and conveyed their apologies due to travel outside Dar es Salaam and prior commitments.

AFED: Alhaj Zuhair Jaffer (Hon. Secretary), Alhaj Zainul Chandoo (Hon. Treasurer), Alhaj Muntazir Walji (Hon. Asst. Treasurer) & Alhaj Anwarali Dharamsi (Trustee).

DSM Jamaat: Alhaj Mohammed Rawji (Hon. Treasurer), Alhaj Mohamedraza Bharwani (Hon. Joint Gen. Secretary), Alhaj Dr. Kazim Dhalla (MC member) & Alhaj Shaneabbas Jessa (MC member). 

We pray for the success and progress of both the institutions; Dar es Salaam Jamaat and Africa Federation, similarly our prayers and duas for the above-mentioned volunteers for their devotion, commitment and for sacrificing their valuable time to serve the community, may Allah grant them long life, good health and success, Aameen.  


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