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K.S.I. Jamaat Dar Es Salaam Successfully Hosts The 87th Supreme Council Session

Ref: AFED/PR/029/24                                                   Date: September 3, 2024

The 87th Supreme Council Session of the Federation of KSI Jamaats of Africa was successfully hosted by KSI Jamaat Dar es Salaam from Friday 2nd August to Sunday 4th August 2024.  This session was specifically convened for presentation and deliberation on the review of the AFED Constitution by the AFED Constitution Review Committee (CRC) led by Alhaj Mohsin Kanji. 

The meeting was well attended, by AFED Office Bearers, Trustees and Councillors from Arusha, Dar-es-Salaam, Lindi, Kampala, Kigali, Mombasa, Mwanza, Songea and Zanzibar Kuwwat. The first Session commenced at 3.00 p.m. on Friday, 2nd August with the blessings of recitation of the verses of the Holy Qurán. 

Welcome address was delivered by the President of Dar es Salaam Jamaat, Alhaj Mohamedraza Dewji.

The Chairman Alhaj Amine bhai Nassor, in his address thanked all the participants for attending the Session and the Dar es Salaam Jamaat for hosting the Session.  He emphasized that the main objective of the Session was to deliberate on the proposed changes being suggested by the AFED CRC.  He highlighted the committee's efforts in reviewing the constitution, stressing the need for it to align with the teachings of the Quran and Ahlulbayt.

Alhaj Amine Bhai Nassor also addressed the challenges facing the community, particularly the attacks on the Aqeedah (belief) of Shia Ithna-Asheri, and urged AFTAB and the Tabligh Committee of the Jamaats to strengthen their efforts in defending the faith against those who are trying to misguide youth, children and our community members. He assured that AFED will support the initiatives taken to safeguard the Aqeedah of our faith. Additionally, Amine Bhai raised concerns about some private sessions being held by scholars with different views on our Aqeedah and which may create doubts in the minds of the followers of Ahlulbayt (‘A). He requested the Jamaats to carefully vet speakers and preachers and ensure that their presentations do not sow seeds of confusion among the community members. He concluded by praying for the spiritual strengthening of the community, and wished fruitful and productive Supreme Council Sessions.

The Supreme Council Agenda which included minutes of the 86th Supreme Council Session and matters arising therefrom. Also, presentation and adoption of two Boards reports which could not presented at the 86th Supreme Council in Kampala in September/October 2023 due to time constraints. The Housing Development Board report by Br. Akil Hirji and the Central Health Board report by Br. Aliraza Bandali were presented followed by some fruitful deliberations, including questions and answers session with Councillors. The Chairman, Amine Bhai Nassor commended the two Boards for their commitment and efforts to bring about development in the community, which include Housing Schemes, Life Insurance and plans by CHB for the Community Health Insurance and Health Checkup which are of vital importance.  

From Saturday afternoon to Sunday evening, the CRC Chairman, Mohsin Bhai Kanji led the session with a comprehensive presentation of the proposed changes in the current AFED Constitution, he was assisted by the CRC members present; they are Alhaj Amirali Somji (Arusha), Alhaj Mustafa Kanji (Kampala) and Br. Alihassan Kassam (DSM), Alhaj Iqbal Akbaraly Socomo (Madagascar) was unable to attend the Session physically.  Councillors were taken through section by section and questions were asked, clarifications were sought.  Mohsin bhai Kanji provided elaborative explanations to the satisfaction of the Councillors who participated actively. 

The AFED draft Constitution will be presented for deliberation etc. and adoption during the Constitutional Conference earmarked during the first quarter of 2025. 

Below are some photographs of the Supreme Council Session in Dar es Salaam.

Africa Federation Secretariat extends its profound appreciation and gratitude to the Dar es Salaam Jamaat Managing Committee, the Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Br. MohammedYusuf Bandali, his Committee Members and all the Volunteers for the organization and excellent services rendered throughout the Sessions.

We are also thankful to the AFED Boards Chairmen for their presentations and attendance. We are also very grateful to the AFED Constitution Review Committee (CRC) for their well-prepared and in-depth presentation at the Session.

We pray to Allah (SWT) with His infinite Grace and Blessings to reward all those who in one way or the other have contributed to the success of the 87th Supreme Council Session and pray for their good health, long life and every success in their endeavors – Ameen.


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