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Africa Federation Gives Warm Welcome to the Dar es Salaam Jamaat's Visiting Scholars for Muharram 1446 AH

Sheikh Shahnawaz visits Africa Federation Head Office in Dar es Salaam:

On Tuesday July 9th, Africa Federation (AFED) welcomed the renowned Sheikh Shahnawaz Mahdavi of U.K., a visiting Scholar for Muharram 1446 A.H. in Dar es Salaam Jamaat. He paid a visit to the AFED head office. Sheikh Shahnawaz who was accompanied with Vice Chairman of DSM Tabligh Board Alhaj Mohammed Bhai Walji and the CEO of Dar Tabligh Board Alhaj Zishan Bhai Somji were received by the AFED Vice Chairman, Alhaj Aunali Khalfan.

Along with Aunali Bhai, several other members of the Africa Federation, including the Assistant Hon. Secretary, Br. Mohamedamir Hamza, the Bilal Muslim Mission of Tanzania Chairman, Alhaj Hussein Karim, the Capacity Building Group Chairman, Alhaj Shabbirhussein Khalfan, the Education Board Chairman, Alhaj Mohamedkazim Sheriff, the Chairman of the Housing Development Board, Alhaj Akil Hirji, the Chairman of the AFED Sports Council, Alhaj Fazel Kassam and the secretariat staff at head office were present.Alhaj Aunali Khalfan provided an overview of the activities and some projects by the Africa Federation highlighting the significant progress made by AFED and its various Boards and Sections, including the external Tabligh activities which are being undertaken by Bilal Muslim Mission of Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Malawi and Rwanda with the new roadmap of expansion in Burundi and Mozambique by next year, Insha’allah.The AFED Vice Chairman also explained on the huge potential of Tabligh for indigenous population, and the great efforts in reaching out to smaller towns and villages in the countries where AFED operates, including Madagascar where BILAL, INISMA and FCRA are actively involved in the propagation of the Madh’ab of Ahlulbayt (‘A) and other social services they provide to the local population.AFED Board Chairmen who were present at the meeting then shared updates of their respective Boards’ activities, underlining their mission and also their achievements, highlighting also the future plans aligned with the vision of Africa Federation for the term 2022-2025.

Sheikh Shahnawaz who lived in Tanzania and Kenya for several years before migrating to the U.K. expressed his admiration of AFED’s continuous progress, he is keenly following up on some of the AFED’s developments including Housing Development Board which he commended for the excellent work in housing sector, and similarly to the other Boards performances, in the field of education, health, women, youth, sports and tabligh. He emphasized in focusing on the children and youth of our community stressing on the importance of our Madressahs to lay strong foundation of the religion and the Madh’ab of Ahlulbayt (‘A).Alhaj Aunali Khalfan reassured the Sheikh that the organization, through its Tabligh Board (AFTAB) and collaborating with the constituent Jamaats have always given importance to our religion and the teachings of the Madh’ab of Ahlulbayt (‘A), and will continue to do so. Similarly, it goes with external tabligh through the Bilal Muslim Missions.

Sheikh Shahnawaz expressed his good wishes to AFED and wished greater success, he offered prayers for the betterment of the institution and the people involved in providing various services.  Sheikh Shahnawaz was presented with a memento from AFED by Alhaj Aunali Khalfan. The Sheikh was also taken through the tour of the AFED Archives gallery which showcases the rich history of the Khoja community by Sr. Ismat Khimji who is heading the AFED History Section. Sheikh Nuru Mohammed’s visit to AFED Head Office in Dar es Salaam:On Friday, July 19th, Sheikh Nuru Mohammed on the invitation of Africa Federation (AFED), made a brief visit to AFED Tower to meet up with the officials of Africa Federation and the Secretariat staff. He was accompanied by Alhaj Mohammed Walji, Vice Chairman of Dar es Salaam Jamaat Tabligh Board.

The AFED Vice Chairman, Alhaj Aunali Khalfan, was there to welcome Sheikh Nuru Mohammed and Alhaj Mohammed Walji, along with AFED Board Chairmen and Secretariat staff who were keenly waiting to meet Sheikh Nuru Mohamed.

Sheikh Nuru expressed his satisfaction for the excellent work that the Africa Federation has been doing all along for the past 14 years. He commended the leadership for the painstaking work they do in ensuring the progress and development of the Institution which ultimately benefiting the community members globally.The Housing, Education and Sports Board Chairmen, and the Secretariat staff provided brief introduction of themselves and their activities they are involved in. They also provided with the progress of their sections.Aunali Bhai Khalfan provided a brief overview of the various activities of Africa Federation that are being undertaken in Africa and in constituent Jamaats under AFED including Madagascar, Reunion and Mauritius which are part of the AFED. He spoke about the internal tabligh by AFTAB, external tabligh by Bilal Muslim Missions, Education, Health, Sports, AFED History Book to be published soon with the assistance by Dr. Hasnain Walji and Archives Section of Africa Federation.

Alhaj Aunali Bhai Khalfan thanked the Dar es Salaam Jamaat Tabligh Board for their cooperation, he also thanked both the visiting Scholars who spared their valuable time to visit Africa Federation and meeting the Board Chairmen and the Secretariat staff.Aunali Bhai also conveyed the message from the Chairman of Africa Federation, Alhaj Amine Nassor to the two Sheikhs thanking them for visiting Africa Federation head office, meeting the AFED officials and the staff. He expressed appreciation for the kind words expressed by both the visiting Scholars and for their encouragement.We pray to Allah (SWT) to grant Sheikh Shahnawaz, Sheikh Nuru, Dr. Kazim Dhalla, Alhaj Mohammed Walji and Alhaj Zishan Somji with tawfeeqat of good health, long life and increase in their knowledge to continue serving Islam and the Mission of Imam Hussain (‘A), Aameen. 


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