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Press Release - AFED Delegation Visits Songea Jamaat and Joins in the Azadari of Ashra-e-Zainabiyyah

Ref: PR/AF/034/24                                                         Date: November 4, 2024

A delegation led by the Africa Federation Chairman Alhaj Amine bhai Nassor accompanied by the Vice Chairman Alhaj Aunali bhai Khalfan and Bilal Muslim Mission of Tanzania Chairman Alhaj Hussein bhai Karim travelled to Songea from 21st to 23rd August 2024 (16th to 18th Safar 1446). This was the first visit by the current Chairman of the Africa Federation to visit Songea Jamaat. Songea is the capital of Ruvuma Region in southwestern Tanzania, and growing, both in population and economic area. 

The purpose of the visit was, firstly to meet the officials and community members of Songea Jamaat, and secondly to visit the sites of the Jamaat and Bilal Muslim Mission of Tanzania centres.

The population of our community has dwindled and currently there are only 26 heads in the Jamaat. Inspite of few members, the Jamaat is quite vibrant and functioning effectively. There is a Resident Aalim who is leading daily prayers, recites majlises and performs other religious functions of the Jamaat. 

The Jamaat is also operating a Nursery School which has currently 90 students, they are also provided with breakfast in the morning, this School is run by the Jamaat administration. The School is operating at a good standard and the teachers are all well-trained. A nominal fee of Shs.75,000/- per month is charged to cover some of the expenses, like teachers and staff salaries. 

The Songea Jamaat Kabrastan is well maintained and has a big open space, the Kabrastan is well protected with a concrete fence wall. There is also a small house for the care-taker who keeps the place clean and tidy. There is a plan to open a small Madressah as there are many Muslim children around this area who can benefit from the Madressah, similarly the Kabrastan empty ground is utilized for religious activities. 

During the visit to the Bilal Muslim Mission centre located near the airport, the area is known as Jumbe Iddi where there is mosque, Pre-Hawza, Madressah and Nursery School. The place was recently renovated, some expansion work is taking place to provide better facilities to the Pre-Hawza students who are accommodated at the complex. The plot is big enough to accommodate more facilities in the future. There is a plan to use part of the plot for income generating project like constructing warehouses. 

A visit was also made to a Bilal Mosque, Masjid Hauraa Zainab (AS) built in 2018, the Mosque accommodates male and female members of Bilal Muslim Mission and also runs a Madressah for both boys and girls in the afternoon. 

The Ashra-e-Zainabiyyah saw some ex Songea families from Dar es Salaam who traveled to Songea for the Azadari, the AFED delegation attended the two nights of majlis and nyaz, one was sponsored by AFED. The attendance saw the entire community together including students and teachers from Bilal Muslim Mission who participated in the Azadari fully. 

During the meeting with Songea Jamaat, it was pointed out that Songea economy is gradually improving, especially in coal mining and transportation, including investments in warehouses. Our members are advised to visit Songea and look into these newer business opportunities, other communities are already taking advantage of the situation. 

Below are some photographs of the visit to Songea Bilal Centres and the KSI Jamaat facilities:

On behalf of the Africa Federation Chairman, the Vice Chairman, Bilal Muslim Mission of Tanzania Chairman and the AFED Secretariat wishes to thank the Songea KSI Jamaat profoundly for their warm welcome and for organizing the various visits to the sites and projects. The two days’ visit was enlightening, especially for those who have migrated from Songea and came for the Ashra-e-Zainabiyyah program, feeling the aura of the golden old days when Songea population was huge, with bustling businesses. Special thanks to Alhaj Sadiq Meghji for hosting the delegation at his hotel, and also for the lunch and breakfast meeting. Our thanks go to the Hon. Secretary, Alhaj Abbas Hemani and the Jamaat President, Alhaj Hussein Dhalla for the logistics etc.

A separate News Bulletin will be issued on the upcoming Songea Jamaat Commercial project which has started, the project is on the Jamaat plot adjacent to the Mosque.

The earlier plan to visit Tunduru Jamaat from Songea did not materialize due to some logistical challenges faced by the delegation, there is a plan for the next visit to Tunduru, Mtwara and Lindi, Insha’allah. 

May Allah (SWT) grant the leaders and volunteers of our Jamaats with long, healthy and successful life, Aameen.

Let us please recite Sura-e-Fateha for the past leaders and volunteers of Songea Jamaat, the Marhumeen of Songea Jamaat, and all the Marhumeen, Al Fateha.


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