Circular No: JMT/155/24 Date: September 28, 2024
The Khoja Shia Ithna-Asheri Jamaat of Tanga elections was held on 28th June 2024. The following are the elected new office bearers and managing committee for the term 2024 – 2026, in accordance with the constitution of the Jamaat.
Office Bearers:
Chairman - Alhaj Sameer Bandali
Vice Chairman - Br. Ally Shivji
Hon. Secretary - Br. Mohamed Rajabali
Hon. Treasurer - Br. Shaheen Fazal
Hon. Joint Treasurer - Alhaj Hussein Sachedina
Committee Members:
- Alhaj Shabbir Sachedina
- Br. Shaneabbas Fazal
We congratulate the new team and wish them tawfeeqat to fulfill their duties diligently and to accomplish their vision and goals for the development of the Jamaat and its members.
We pray to Allah (swt) to always guide the leadership in their functions and actions to serve for His pleasure alone, Ameen.