Bilal Muslim Mission of Tanzania (BMMT) distributed 100 tablets to its students at Hawzat Ahlul-Bayt (Boys), Hawzat Sayyida Maasoumah (Girls) both of Dar es Salaam and Hawzat Qaim (Boys) of Tanga, which will facilitate and speed up learning. In this pilot project, tablets were limited and distributed to higher class students.
This project has been funded by The World Federation of Khoja Shia Ithna-Asheri Muslim Communities. At the moment, it has been implemented at three hawzats only on pilot basis. Additionally, Bilal Students studying in Hawza abroad pursuing higher education were also given the tablets to assist them in their studies.

All tablets were preloaded with relevant Islamic Books in PDF format as well as studying related softwares. Hawza students are also being taught relevant skills for using the tablet and computer like MS Word, Excel, E-Mail and Internet and on how to exploit social media for tableegh activities.
This year, 8 out of 12 graduating students, were admitted to Alawiya College, Najaf to pursue higher Islamic studies in Fiqh, Aqaaed, Arabic Language etc. All students were given tablets that will help them during their studies.

We wish to thank The World Federation External Tabligh department for facilitating the travel and visa costs for all these students.

Once again, BMMT wishes to thank the donors of this project for their support that enabled the implementation of this pilot project. BMMT also welcomes other donors and well-wishers to support us in reaching other hawzat in Tanga, Kigoma, Morogoro (Rudewa), Kagera (Bukoba), Kilimanjaro (Moshi) and Ruvuma (Songea).
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Media & Relations
BMMT – HQ, Dar es Salaam