CIRCULAR NO: JMT/151/24 Date: September 20, 2024
The Khoja Shia Ithna-Asheri Jamaat of Dar es Salaam held its elections for the term 2024 – 2026 on Saturday 14th September 2024.
The following were elected for the term 2024 – 2026:
Office Bearers:
President - Alhaj Mohamedraza M Dewji
Vice President - Alhaj Sajjad Jusab
Hon. General Secretary - Alhaj Hasnain Sherally
Hon. Joint General Secretary - Alhaj Mohamedraza Bharwani
Hon. Treasurer - Alhaj Mohammed Abbas Rawji
Managing Committee Members: - Alhaj Asger Dhanji
- Alhaj Dr. Kazim Dhalla
- Alhaj NooralAin Sheriff
- Alhaj Minhaal Dewji
- Alhaj Alihassan Kassam
- Alhaj Shaneabbas Jessa - Alhaj Shakeel Nazarali
Board of Trustees: - Alhaj Gulam Kermalli Premji
- Alhaj Mustafa Dhanani
- Alhaj Gulam Kermali Jagani - Alhaj Shabbir Mohammedali
On behalf of the Chairman, Office Bearers and Trustees of the Africa Federation, we extend our heartiest congratulations and best wishes to the newly elected Office Bearers, Managing Committee Members and Trustees of Dar es Salaam Jamaat.
We pray to Allah (SWT) to grant them inspiration and tawfeeqat to carry out their duties most diligently thus taking the Jamaat to higher levels of success and development, Aameen.